PrayerTime is a faith-sharing resource book, based on the Sunday Gospel readings. The themes for reflection have been designed for use by small groups or individuals.
Each book in the series offers gentle but insightful reflections that help the gospel come alive. Written in an easy-to-read style that leads to profound questions about faith, each session sheds light on everyday life and should bear fruit in realistic action.
Oremos es un recurso valiosímo para la formación en la fe de los adultos. Oremos ofrece un recurso para compartir la fe basado en la Escriptura.
Bulk pricing is available beginning at 50 copies. Please call 1-888-433-3221. / Para la compra a granel de 50 libros o más, por favor llame 1-888-433-3221.
Topics: Adult Faith Formation, Lectionary-Based
Parish Need: Enhance Sunday Mass experience
Liturgical Seasons: All
Languages Available: English, Español/Spanish
Who's It For: Small Groups, Individuals
Duration: 68 sessions (including solemnities and feasts)
Length: 326 pages
Dimensions/size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-62063-011-2
Publish Date: 2000
Updated Date: 2012, 2007
Spanish Version
Length: 244 pages
Dimensions/size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-62063-114-0
Publish Date: 2001
Updated Date: 2016
Tipo: Book